Winter 2023 and onward into 2024
Karl Gunter
Classical 7 Level Labyrinth
The last few years have seen a lot of footfall in the woods and we have let some of the inner paths regenerate to give it ‘time’. Mirroring the seasons, and life in general, the structures are in the process of returning to the earth. The impermanence of things is part of life and everything is a process and flow. For us as humans, we have some choice in how we choose to flow; and each choice we make is like adjusting the rudder of the vessel of life.
The labyrinth can be used as a tool and there are many ways to approach it. One simple way is to use it to help make wise choices by concentrating on a question as one walks the labyrinth. This helps prime the subconscious to generate creative answers. Of course, it should be remembered that ‘simple’ does not necessarily mean ‘easy’; a method is simple (e.g. hold the question in your mind as you walk the labyrinth), actually managing to do that is something else again. In these days of constant interfacing with devices, the way media interfaces have been designed to be addictive - think dopamine hits as one swipes down like on a one arm bandit - people’s attention and focus is often attenuated.
To walk 300 metres or so with one thing in mind is a skill that is worth exploring, but in a world of instant gratification, do many have the patience for that?
The effects of this attenuation can be seen in the paths - consider the paths as you walk the labyrinth.
For the winter of 2023 and into 2024, the intent is to use any available materials to refresh the labyrinth - it has been amazing to see it change over time. Many of the newly planted trees in the labyrinth are showing promise and the path is showing signs of use and it has been very gratifying that people seem to appreciate it.
We would also like to thank everyone who has been in touch with messages of support and appreciation - the entire project developed organically with no formal plan and it has been really nice to hear how things have resonated with people.
If the refresh of the labyrinth works as hoped, we have considered the idea of running some workshops since quite a number of people have asked about this over the last few years; however, there is much to do before deciding about that. Now that we are into November, it is time for work on the labyrinth to begin with sections of fallen trees used to mark the paths.
For those who might be interested, a simple (but not as easy as it sounds) method of using the labyrinth is as follows:
Hold your question or query in mind as you walk to the centre
Pause at the centre and ask for answer(s)
Walk back out of the labyrinth holding a feeling of gratitude to the earth and cosmos for giving us the chance to be here.